So, I have been in Sweden for 11 days now and have loved every minute of it. Even the hard times I have had to go through to do things I didnt want to do to know I could do them alone. And I am alone and its an amazing feeling and I get to do it for a whole year. I have no obligation to anyone here and for once in my life I get to be selfish. I get to have my things, my feelings, and my life. No one I know back home will ever have seen or experienced anything I have here or known how special little things here have meant to me. To me that makes the experience that more amazing. This past year I believe we all lost sight of what was truly important. We all let the friendships/relationships that didn't last define us instead of the many we still had and had gained. I'll be the first to admit that through the friendships that I lost, I became paranoid about the ones I already had and knew deep down would last. Anyways, quote time from One Tree Hill,
" When Hansel said to Gretal let us drop these bread crumbs so that together we find our way home, because loosing our way would be the most cruel of things. This year I lost my way, and loosing your way on a journey is unfortunate, but loosing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel. The journey lasted eight months, sometimes I traveled alone sometimes there were others who took the wheel, and took my heart, but when the destination was reached it wasn't me who arrived, it wasn't me at all. Once you loose yourself you have two choices find the person you used to be or loose that person completely, because sometimes you have to step outside of the person you've been and remember the person you were meant to be, the person you wanted to be, the person you are."
Through being here I have seen that every place is the same, just in a different language. Everywhere has their clicks and problems, you just have to find your place in the whole mess of it all. I live with Alexia and Pierre from France, Jose from Spain, and Mayya from Russia. We all come from very different places, but I believe we will soon become like a family. We have a lot of things in common and I found it amazing how we have been able to come together. Mayya speaks very good English and loves the boys, Pierre loves to talk about the American music and tv series, Jose speaks terrible English and it's hilarious for me and Mayya to try and teach him, and Alexia I have yet to really talk to or hangout with, but I hope to know her soon. I still have a lot of things to get used to like walking everywhere, the food, and taking a shower in the middle of the bathroom floor only to have to squeegie it afterwards. I won't have to get used to the weather, beautiful scenary, and having my own space. I know now that it will be a good year, I feel through this year I will finally define myself and not my friends and what they are or aren't doing in my life. All of us are starting something new this year and all of us are separated from at least one of our close friends. We will be better for it though. I know I haven't really been talking to many of you and it's not because I don't love you or miss you. I just feel I can't do it, because soon it would go back to what it was and I can't miss it more than I already do.
Have fun my friend and if you need anything, I am always here. Keep posting I love to read about what you are doing :)